Sunday, March 1, 2009

Corporate Crooks

In my English class in college we are doing a semester long project. My topic is the effects of privatization of water rights and their impact on 3rd world nations. In doing my research I have found countless incidents where global corporations have exploited, pressured and bullied countries into accepting contracts which have catostrophic consequences. Not only on landscapes but on agriculture, livestock and the well-being of the inhabitants. Children are dying for the profit margins of these corporations. It is wrong!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Celebration of Life

I believe that many of us very often take life for granted. Sadly it goes unappreciated or celebrated until someone we love leaves this mortal existance. I confess that I fall victim to this myself. A very dear and very loved friend just left the confines of this life. She departed from us in an unexpected manor. Leukemia claimed her mortal frame. The peace I feel though is based upon my faith that this life is merely the beginning. Sonya lived, loved and laughed more than many people that live to a ripe old age. She left us a few months short of 30. She will be sorely missed. Her genuine sweetness and compassion was without limit. The lives she's touched and blessed are countless. I know this to be fact because I live one such life. I will count myself blessed and fortunate to have had her for a friend and to have been someone she loved. She leaves a legacy of optimism and charity. She celebrated life and all of its ups and downs. May we all celebrate our own lives and do our absolute best to show others how much we love them. You never know when you won't be able to again. Celebrate the blessing that is this life.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Begin at the Beginning

Those who know me are well aware that I am a veritable fountain of meaningless, useless and mind numbing information.
Like any good story I'll begin at the beginning.... I was an odd child. I had a round belly, high voice and I had my birthday parties at museums. Told you I was odd. I grew up in a sizable family full of love, compassion and understanding. All of which was implemented by well-meaning parents. Yet with 4 sons and 2 daughters my folks didn't exactly have it easy. They were perpetually torn in different directions. We(the children) didn't do much to make life any easier on them. I personally credit their silver hair or lack thereof to my deviant antics. As the youngest son, you find ways of getting attention. So much so there was a lock named after me. I always was an adventurer. In hindsight though I really did receive my fair share. Exceptional parents are often under appreciated.